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2021 Fairlane Club of America National Meet

About this event

Nugget Casino Resort
The 2021 FCA National will be held at the Nugget Casino Resort

Fairlane Club of America Car Show 2021 - Attendees Room Block

Start Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2021

End Date:  Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Last Day to Book a Room: Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Hotel offering your special group rate:

Nugget Casino and Resort for 
$109 USD/night for Wednesday and Thursday, 
$139/night for Friday and Saturday.

To register your car(s) online, please click the "Register Now" button in the upper-right of this page.

We’re getting ready for our 2021 National Meet in Reno, Nevada. Just imagine the beautiful showfield filled with ’62-’76 Fairlanes, Torinos, Cyclones, Thunderbolts, Talladegas, Wagons, Hipos, Sport Coupes, Sedans and Hardtops, Concours restorations and Diamonds in the Rough—roaring reds, glorious yellows, brilliant blues, sparkling whites, and all the golds, greens, burgundies and blacks shining in the June sun! How could you miss this?

We’ll be at the Nugget Casino Resort, June 24-26, 2021. Our FCA rate at the Nugget is $109 +tax Sun-Thurs  night and $139 + tax Fri-Sat. To reserve a room, please call 800-648-1177. Request the group rate for the 2021 FCA National MeetAvailable 6/23-6/29/21. You can also register online by clicking on the following link:  
Please register early as the rooms go quickly.

It’s important that you pre-register if at all possible. Our Club Room, with Registration, Raffles, Club Store and more, is staffed by your fellow members. Volunteers are needed (maybe You!) so that all can participate at the National and enjoy being on the show field, visiting with fellow enthusiasts, and participating in any of the activities available. That means our Club Room hours are flexible, dependent upon staffing. You can save both your time and the volunteers’ for the fun stuff by pre-registering for the show. Make sure you have identified your Class, and send your form and payment to the FCA Office (in Texas) to arrive by June 10. Or try our new on-line registration form found in the upper-right of this page. Plan on doing your part to help make this the very best show yet. It’s a great way to meet more of your fellow Fairlaners.

Car Registering:

Choosing a class: Most cars will enter Participant-Voted classes. If your car is not being entered in the Original or Concours judged classes (see the judged class requirements on the Club’s website under Archives), begin with the “S” classes. If your car does not fall into one of the “S” classes, go to the “Y” class list and find the correct designation for your vehicle there. Fill in the red portion of the pre-registration form ONLY if your car is being submitted for the “C” or “O” judged classes.

Swap Meet Vendor area:
The swap meet area is open to all members and included with your National Meet registration fee. You must be a member to sell, including business type vendors. All members participating at the National Meet either pay $20 (pre-reg) or $25 with car after 6/10/21 or $10 (pre-reg) or $15 without car after 6/10/21. The swap meet area is open to paying members of these two options.

Youth Judges:
Calling all kids ages 6-14 (limited to first 15) to come out and judge 5-6 vehicles on show day! You will receive a T-shirt, hat, badge, score card and pen. Hagerty Insurance Company is sponsoring this free event. Judging will last approximately 90 minutes. The Youth Judges will then present their awards at the Awards Ceremony Saturday night. This will be a fun way to introduce our youth to the hobby and judging system. Pre-registration is required but if there are still openings left on June 26, you are more than welcome to sign up by 9:30am in the Club Room at the Registration table.

Fun stuff:

Here’s our schedule of events. Changes or additions will be on our Event Calendar, and will be published in the May-June Fairlaner. Stay tuned for updates.
Don’t forget to pick up a non-perishable item or two from your hometown for our National Grocery Guess. Bring a slip noting the price paid for your item(s). If your county or state is famous for a product, bring one!


Thursday June 24: Setup begins at 9 am through noon in the Southern Pacific room. Show up and we’ll put you to work!

12pm til 4pm - Club Room open - Southern Pacific room- Pickup Pre-Registration packets; Registration, Club Store, Raffles, Displays. (Pre-registered packets include a $2 coupon towards your 2021 show shirt!).

Friday June 25: Events and Meetings:
9am til 4pm.  Club room in the Southern Pacific is open Registration, Club Store, Raffles, Displays. 
9am-11am Cars & Coffee - 
Grab a donut & coffee and visit with fellow members! Meet up in the hotel parking lot by the Swap Meet.
11:45 am Line up to Cruise through downtown Reno and through the famous archway on Virginia Ave. See the neon archway that adorns our National Meet t-shirt this year. We will drive under the archway as club photographers take pictures and videos on our way to the National Automobile Museum (admission fee - $9).

3:00-4:00 pm- Judges Meeting (Redwood 5)

4:00-4:30 pm - Car shows & Events meeting (Redwood 5)

4:30-5:00 pm– Seminars (Redwood 5)

                            Tony Avak – Photography

5pm-7pm Summit Racing Store - Visit the Summit Racing Store on your own and hang out with local cruisers looking at other cars and swapping stories!

Saturday June 26: Show Day includes: Show field up and running at 8 am. Cars must remain on the show field until 4 pm.  There will be a Swap area for FCA-car-related parts.

8 am til 4 pm Club Room open. Southern Pacific room  Registration, Club Store, Raffles, Displays, Door Prizes, etc.

9:30 am  Youth judging meet (Debbie in Southern Pacific)

10 am - Judging of the Unrestored Original and Concours classes begins.

10 am - Photographing of show cars begins.
11 am - Registration closes and Voting commences for Participant-voted classes. Voting concludes at 2:30 pm.

11 am-1:30 pm - Lunch Concession near the show field (times approx.) Tables under the big tent.

1:30 pm. - Vote counting begins. Drop off all ballots before 2:30 under the Big Tent or in the Club Room (Southern Pacific)..

3 pm - Kids’ Hot Wheels Mini-Drags in the Southern Pacific room. Kids 15 and under, bring your favorite, fastest Hot Wheels® car, or borrow a ‘loaner’. (Each child must be accompanied by an adult.)

7pm - Awards Presentation program begins in the Sierra rooms 3,4,5. Media presentation, Awards presented in Judged and Participant-voted classes, Youth Judges Awards, Door Prize and Raffle winners announced. Fun for all!

Sunday June 27:

7 am - Opportunity for Christian Fellowship in Central Pacific room, and farewells until next year in the parking lot.


Please note:

No golf carts or other motorized, non-licensed personal transportation will be allowed on the Fairlane Club of America (FCA) National Meet Showfield. The physically impaired/handicapped will be permitted to operate battery operated convenience vehicles on the showfield. Golf carts are not permitted as alternate transportation for the physically impaired. The FCA will have two authorized golf cars on the showfield that are operated by the parking director and assistant. Those with physical difficulty may ask the parking director for a ride on any of the authorized golf carts.

Ready to help? See our list of Volunteering options and choose your spot. Our FCA National is a member event, provided for members and made possible by members and we always welcome new folks to join and participate. How will you help?



Our main event is our National Meet Car Show 8 am - 4 pm on Saturday, June 26, at the hotel, followed by our Hall of Fame inductions and Awards Presentation, raffles and door prizes at 7 pm. You won’t want to miss any of it, it’s a fun time for all.

Most members will register their cars in participant-voted classes, while some prefer the judged Unrestored Original or Concours classes (please see the guidelines on the club website if you are considering entering your car in a Judged class).

Determine the class you will be entering before filling out your Pre-Registration form, as this is required info to register your car for the show. Mind the deadlines for pre-registering (6/10/21), and for reserving your room at the hotel (6/1/21)All club members are welcome to register for the show and to bring your families, even if you aren’t bringing a club car this time. Note: All members attending should register; there is no charge for family/friends attending with a member; you must be a club member to register for the show (new members are always welcome to join and participate); and all club cars on the showfield must be Ford-powered. (Pre-Registration form is in the Fairlaner magazine, and will be pinned at the top of the Watercooler Forums.)

Summer’s on its way, so plan to come and enjoy everything the National Meet has to offer. It’s also the place to see the newest FCA Club Store items for sale, including our awesome 2021 National tee-shirt designed for us by Joel Naprstek!  Hoping to see you in Reno!


Thursday, June 24, 2021, to Saturday, June 26, 2021


Nugget Casino and Resort
1100 Nugget Ave
Sparks, NV  89431

Event Contact(s)

610-750-4703 (p)


National Meet

Registration Info

Registration is required before Friday, June 11, 2021 at 12:00 AM
Payment In Full In Advance Only
This event is for Fairlane Club of America members only, if you are a non-member you may join at the show and participate in our National Meet. However to beat the crowd, consider joining the FCA before the event. Pre-registration closes on 6/10/21. After this date, you will pay registration at the show and the fee is $25 with car and $15 without car. Thank you.
Activities/Items (Click the down-arrow to view details)
FCA Member w/car Concours Judged Classes
FCA Member w/car Original Judged Classes
FCA Member w/car Non-Judged Classes
FCA Member with no car
Guest Registration